Category Archives: gift giving ideas

salad sac to the rescue

salad sac to the rescue
Sadly I usually end up throwing out half the lettuce I buy because I don’t get around to using it before it wilts… well, now I can add a few days onto my lettuce’s life with this handy dandy salad sac. This short video shows how easy it is to use and will change the way you store your veggies from now on. Other helpful hints include: -Just wash and trim your veggies and .

a gal’s best pal

a gal’s best pal
I hate dry cleaning bills, don’t you?  Think of all the extra fun goodies you could spend that money on instead!    These two savvy entrepreneurial women, Shannon Larkin and Courtney Rovira, had those same thoughts just a few years ago and they solved their problem by creating these little pink sponges that magically remove deodorant marks off clothing.  I know it sounds too good to be true, but I kid you not … .

money pots make marvelous gifts

money pots make marvelous gifts
If you’re ever in a quandary of what to buy someone who has everything…  search no further – a money pot is your answer! Here are just a few reasons why they make the perfect gift… –         they’re handmade in Italy and hand painted in London (anything European is cool by default) –         they have been traditionally used in Italy for over 2000 years and their design has remained unchanged. .

love always knows the way

love always knows the way
These beautiful handcrafted pewter heart compasses make a unique and sentimental gift for a special occasion or event.  The hearts are designed by Rhode Island artist, Jim Clift and the compasses are actually functional…. so next time you’re feeling a little lost… just follow your heart.